Many of Pilgrim top ten look to further study in sciences

#1 Hannah Smith – Valedictorian

Hannah Smith, Valedictorian of Pilgrim High School’s Class of 2024 was not only driven academically but was also active in the school orchestra. Smith will be attending the University of Rhode Island and intends to major in biomedical engineering.

At Pilgrim, Smith was a four-year member of the school orchestra, a member of the cross-country team, in her junior and senior years, and competed in the Science Olympiad her senior year.

Smith has also received several awards during her time at Pilgrim. She received the Claiborne Pell Award and the Rensselaer Award. She is a National Honor Society member, and received a medal in an adjudicated Solo violin piece (solo and ensemble) in May of 2021 as well as a medal in an adjudicated Duo violin piece (solo and ensemble) in May of 2023.

What Smith will remember the most about high school was being accepted as one of two Rhode Island delegates to attend the NYSCamp and interning at Brown University in the summer of 2022 and 2023 for chemistry.

Students, including Eian McNamar and Gianna Pimentel, as well as teacher Meredith Bizragane, are who Smith says have contributed the most to her success.

Smith was motivated to excel by taking advantage of all the opportunities she was presented with.

#2 Nouci Yang – Salutatorian

Salutatorian Nouci Yang will be attending the University of Rhode Island in September and plans to major in psychology. At Pilgrim, Yang was involved in several clubs. She was the treasurer for the Concert Jazz Band, Historian for the National Honor Society, President of the National Art Honor Society, a member of the Math League, and was a member of the Art Club.

Yang has also received a plethora of awards. She was a member of the National Honor Society, the National Art Society, the Spanish Honor Society, a recipient of the Silver Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish, a recipient of the Brown University Book Award and the Xerox Award for Innovation & Innovation Technology. She was also named to the URI Southern New England Honor Band.

Yang contributes her motivation to her family and friends, her teachers, and also her family and herself. “I have been extremely motivated to do well in school. I have been motivated by teachers as well, but this motivation mainly comes from my own and my family’s expectations,” Yang said about what has motivated her to excel in school.

Yang will remember her friends and her academic achievements. “I have met a great variety of people whom I believe I will remember for years to come, both for good and not-so-good reasons,” said Yang.

#3 Maya Jollie

Maya Jollie ranked third in the Class of 2024. She will attend the University of Rhode Island, where she plans to major in chemistry with a pre-med track.

During her time at Pilgrim, Jollie was the President of the National Honor Society, a member of the Math Club, the Wellness Club, and was also a part of the Cross-Country team. Jollie also was a recipient of the Clarkson University Leadership Award.

According to Jollie, “I will remember most, the teachers who have helped push me to see my potential, and have been some of the most caring people.”

Maya has been self-motivated throughout her high school career. “I love learning new things and trying to understand them as in-depth as possible. I am determined to figure things out when I don’t understand, and I think this has helped lead me to excel.”

Her teachers are who Jollie believes have contributed to her success. “They have helped me develop as a student tremendously and have helped me discover my post-high school path,” said Jollie.

#4 Lila Imrane

Ranked fourth in the Class of 2024 is Lila Imrane. In the fall, she will attend the University of Rhode Island where she plans to major in biomedical engineering.

During her time at Pilgrim, Imrane was a Captain of the Science Olympiad, a member of the National Honor Society, a cellist in the orchestra, and a member of the Spanish Honor Society.

Imrane also received the Commissioner’s Seal, the Seal of Biliteracy, and earned four Science Olympiad Medals.

Imrane will remember the people she has met as well as the connections she made while in high school. “A lot of my friends also want to go into health science or engineering, giving us a strong point to bond over and talk about going into our college life,” said Imrane.

“My parents and my friends!” have contributed to her success. Imrane continued, “My parents have always encouraged me to do my best in school and aided me through everything. Some of my fondest memories are of them helping me practice a presentation or comforting me after a disappointment.”

Imrane was motivated to excel by those close to her as well as her own drive. Saying, “The encouragement and pride shared between friends and family pushed me. I am glad to have had such support.”

#5 Audra McDonnell

Audra McDonnell is ranked fifth in the Class of 2024. McDonnell will attend the University of Connecticut where she plans to major in physiology and neurobiology with a minor in neuroscience.

During her time at Pilgrim, McDonnell was the captain of the softball team, President of the Executive Committee, her junior and senior years, and Treasurer her sophomore year. She was part of the Drama Club, and a member of the National Honor Society.

McDonnell received the 2023 Rhode Island Civic Leadership Award, the 2024 Lieutenant Governor Leadership Award, and was a recipient of the Harvard University Book Award.

“The times that we came together as a Pilgrim community,” is what McDonnell will remember from her high school career. “I will also carry my memories of playing on the softball team and making it to Rhode Island College. There is an electric feeling that comes from working together with your team, and that is a feeling that I will remember for the rest of my life.”

McDonnell attributes her parents for motivating her to excel, saying, “My parents always instilled in me the importance of taking advantage of opportunities,” said McDonnell.

McDonnell credits Mrs. Bizragane as contributing to her success in high school., “I entered her chemistry honors class in my sophomore year as someone who never enjoyed science. By the end of the year, I realized my love of science, a passion that will continue to drive my academic future.”

#6 Nathanael Gagne

Ranked sixth in the Class of 2024 is Nathanael Gagne. In the fall, Gagne will attend the University of Rhode Island and plans to major in computer science.

Gagne was a member of the Poetry and Art Clubs and was also a member of the National Honor Society. Gagne was also a recipient of the Bausch & Lomb Science Award.

Gagne says he will most remember breaking out of his shell at Pilgrim.

His parents have most contributed to his success, saying, “They always expected me to be the best.” Gagne also cited Mr. Lawton, as contributing to his success.

Gagne was motivated to excel in his coursework. Gagne said, “I love AP tests and I want to learn everything. To accomplish this, I’ve always decided to take as many difficult courses as I could, without any concern for my GPA.”

#7 Gabrielle Quimby

Gabrielle Quimby is ranked seventh in the Class of 2024. In the fall, Quimby will attend Providence College where she intends to major in psychology.

During her time at Pilgrim, Quimby was a member of the National Honor Society and a member of the National Italian Honor Society. She also was a recipient of the Middlebury College Book Award.

What Quimby will remember the most about high school is, “The friends and bonds I formed in different classes.”

Quimby was motivated to excel so she could get into a good college recognizing the need to “set myself up for the future I wanted.”

“My parents have always been my biggest supporters,” said Quimby, attributing her parents as her biggest contributors to her success.

#8 Mallory Canning

Ranked eighth in the Class of 2024 is Mallory Canning. In the fall she will attend Wheaton College and plans to major in music.

During her high school career, Canning was the Secretary of the High School Marching and Concert Band, a member of the Guitar Club, and a High School Classmate Tutor.

Canning has also received several awards during her time at Pilgrim. She was a National Honor Society member, a recipient of the St. Michael’s Book Award, the Clarkson University Book Award, and the Commissioner’s Seal.

Canning will long remember her interactions with her teachers. “They made me feel comfortable engaging in discussions and being respectful in accepting my opinions,” said Canning.”

She attributes the English and History Departments as playing a role in her success, naming Mr. Carlson and Mr. Millette in particular. “Mr. Carlson and Mr. Millette have both been great and impactful mentors in my high school career, as I could always count on them for advice and counsel.” She also named Mrs. Watterson, her band director saying, “Mrs. Watterson was instrumental in my pursuit of music as a future field of study. Having her as a teacher these past four years shaped me into the musician I am today.”

“I pushed myself to take challenging courses in high school,” said Canning. Her motivation to excel in high school is due to her competitiveness. She also credits her brother who is handicapped for much of her success.

#9 Berdinie Delias

Ranked ninth in the graduating Class of 2024, Berdinie Delias will attend Rhode Island College, where she plans to major in nursing.

Delias was the Captain of the Indoor and Outdoor Track Team, a member of the Tennis Team, a member of the Orchestra, the Treasurer of the National Honor Society, the Class Treasurer of the Executive Committee, and a member of the Math Team.

Delias was a recipient of the George Eastman Young Leaders Award, the Middlebury College French Book Award, and was a recipient of the National African American Recognition Program.

“The little moments I shared with my friends throughout the years.” This is what Delias will remember the most from her time in high school.

“My parents,” motivated Delias to excel. “My parents are the most intelligent people I know. They are hardworking, selfless, and virtuous. Without them, I truly do not know where I would be today.”

#10 Braylin Conde

Braylin Conde, ranked tenth in the Class of 2024, will attend the University of Rhode Island with a plan to major in a science field.

Conde was a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the Executive Committee for the Class of 2024, the Community Club, and a member of the Pilgrim Chorus.

As a member of the Pilgrim Chorus, she was awarded Platinum at the Choral Festival in 2023. As a member of the 2024 Pilgrim Chorus, Braylin was awarded Excellence at the Choral Festival, in 2024. She earned a Certificate of Achievement from the WIT program.

“My friends and the relief and gratitude I’d feel once I finished the hard work!” is what motivated Conde to excel in school. Her teachers are those who she will remember the most about her high school years. Conde said, “I will remember my mornings with Mrs. Ames, who listened to my stories, and encouraged me to reach further academic heights with AP classes.”

Conde says her best friends motivated her to excel in school. “I believe that my best friends, Lizzy and Zoe, have helped me the most just by supporting me,” she said wrote.

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